If the factory reset doesn't do it, please ask for help on the Support forum, and include more details, like what OS you are on, what audio devices you are using, etc. Debugging these sort of system-dependent issues is tricky, but there are tons of users with that kind of system administration experience on the forum, less so among us developers here on the issue tracker.
You can uninstall the current version and then download and install an older one, rcheck https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/releases.
But better get the current one working. Try a factory reset first, see https://musescore.org/en/handbook/3/revert-factory-settings
If the factory reset doesn't do it, please ask for help on the Support forum, and include more details, like what OS you are on, what audio devices you are using, etc. Debugging these sort of system-dependent issues is tricky, but there are tons of users with that kind of system administration experience on the forum, less so among us developers here on the issue tracker.