Musescore on cromebook

• Apr 27, 2021 - 16:29

Please can you help

I have spent about three days trying to find a way to get musescore v
3.6.2 onto my cromebook laptop. I have managed to get the old v 2 loaded
but All my work is in v3 which I don't seem able to access. The
programme tells me the work is a more recent version and cannot open it.

I know I can get V3 because I have been using it. I made the fatal
mistake of trying a power wash to try to get the camera working. Some
how this deleted Linux, my musescore installation and all my musescore
files. And I still didn't get my camera to work!

I have managed to reload Linux, and have gone to the down load pages of
the Musescore website. The latest version seems to be down loaded (3.6.2
548021370-86_64.AppImage) but I cannot open it. I have put the down load
into the Linux files but the icon has not appeared on the desk top. I
have the icon for V2.

I have tried a few options in terminal e.g $ musescore upgrade update
sudo apt upgrade I have even tried flatpak but the youtube video
instructions are wrong etc

I am using AppImage as recommended

I think all I need is the correct command for the update in the
'terminal' I have looked at just about every web site link and you tube
guide but non of them are consistant. Some talk about ubuton?, some talk
about sudo others say use snap ...... and so on. But they dont seem to
have the correct command lines as they dont seem to work. Short of
trying every option in the download page I dont know quite what to do.
I have also tried downloading the library files but I don't understand

I was a brunet, but now I am silver gray!


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

yes, to the letter and Iv watched the video at least 10 times. It not very clear so very difficult to follow. I have also tried to add the libraries but this made no difference.
I have watched all the video help youtube I can find. And looked a number of forums but I'm not technical and most of it is gobbledygook to me.

Iv tried using the Debian link on the musescore download page and got v 3.5.2 in a file, but I cannot open it despite copying it into the Linux files area, and at some stage got a musescore icon on a terminal apps icon. I had this for musescore three before. But when I rebooted my laptop this disappeared so I'm back with two separate icons one for terminal and one for musescore 2. Iv been at this for three days now. I know there is a way to do it because I have been using it almost daily since last August. It was the power wash that destroyed it all. I tried this to try to fix the camera not working problem, which used to work but now does not.
I must say I'm not impressed with chrome book.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

thanks you I have tried this to no avail, It gets stuck at this point

Once the Linux setup is complete, open the Files app. - I have 3.5.2 in a folder in Linux files

Right-click your "Google Drive / My Drive" folder. - I have clicked google drive and a folder called 'my drive'

it says this folder is shared with linux
If you see "Share with Linux", click it. If you see "Manage Linux sharing", it is already shared and you can skip this step.

then I get stuck as I dont know how to download the programme into the right place, or how to save it

Download the install-musescore file to the new "Linux files" folder that was created for you. When you save it, make sure the filename is just "install-musescore" - if your Chromebook tries to add ".txt" to the name, remove that.
thanks for your help


In reply to by ekrwj

First, get the current version - 3.6.2 - instead of 3.5.2.

So, you are stuck at the "Initial setup of the MuseScore installer" part? To download the file, just click the link. Your Chromebook will pop up a dialog asking where to save it. Just make sure you save it to the "Linux files" folder. Should be the exact same method you used to download the AppImage.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I have just done another power wash and will begin again tomorrow. Power wash has removed all the pervious downloads so I can make a detailed log of what is happening step by step.
Also as I cannot find out how to right click on the laptop key pad I have order a new mouse. I might wait till this arrives before I try again. Thanks for your help.


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