Keyboard shortcut problem

• May 19, 2021 - 21:22

I am using MuseScore 3.5 on macOS Big Sur, and I have just noticed that the "Paste Half Duration" keyboard shortcut (Shift+Cmd+Q) is the same as the MacIntosh systemwide "Logout User" keyboard shortcut, with the result that attempting to use the "Paste Half Duration" shortcut causes my Mac to begin the logout process. I'm not sure how this slipped through development, but it should probably be fixed as soon as possible.


Meanwhile, know that you can customize your shortcuts in Edit / Preferences / Shortcuts. It's not expected there will be another release between now and MuseScore 4 (at the very end of the year if all goes well), but if you do submit the issue to the tracker, someone can look into changing the default for macOS.

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