Loading successive SoundFonts confuses Sound menu in mixer
- In the Synthesizer load the default piano SoundFont
- In the Mixer look at the Sound pull-down menu. Notice lots of "BrightPiano"
- In the Synthesizer load a GM SondFont
- In the Mixer look at the Sound pull-down menu. Notice that it contains a mixture of GM instruments and "BrightPiano" from the previous SoundFont
Expected behavior: Loading a new SoundFont should reset the Sound menu in the mixer and only show instruments from the currently loaded SoundFont
Actual behavior: Loading a new SoundFont shows a mixer of the two SoundFonts in the Sound menu of the mixer.
(Tested in r. 2262 self-built, Windows XP)
fixed in rev. 2278
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.