Add free text easily

• Oct 30, 2009 - 09:49
Graphical (UI)
S5 - Suggestion

Good day,
I am creating learning material (pdf) with MuseScore (Vista) and it is quite hard to add text to sheet.
- many basic commands do not work: CTRL+A (select all), CTRL+C (copy), CTRL+V (paste) etc.
- you need to select a note before adding text (very inconvenient) - would be good to be able to choose the area from the sheet with a mouse click (no note dependency)
- when text has been selected for editing you cannot select part of it and change f.ex. the font size - instead you need to write everything again with the new font size

MuseScore has been great for me so far and I hope that you have time to improve these functions in the future.


In 0.9.5 you can select a part of a test by Shift + Arrow and change the style of the underline part.

A lot of improvements has been added for the next release.
If you test a [[nodetitle:Comparison of stable, prerelease, and nightly builds|nightly or prerelease]] , you will see that Ctrl + A is in, Ctrl +C and Ctrl +V as well.
You can also select with the mouse. And the selection hilighting is normal.