changing key signatures

• Sep 1, 2021 - 21:26

For some reason MuseScore has decided that I meant to change a 2 flat key signature to 2 sharps. I have tried the method suggested in the handbook for changing the key signature on one staff only (on Mac hold Apple key and drag the desired key from the palette), but this has not worked no matter how many variations of the technique I have tried. Any suggestions?


Any chance you're applying the key signature to a transposing staff?
The key signature from the palette is always in concert pitch, and is transposed for the instrument when being applied to the score.

In reply to by jeetee

Exactly right. The score is for alto sax and piano, and the "program" (probably me by accident) had changed the sax part to an unrelated key. I could not change the sax part alone, so I reinforced the proper key in the piano score and it fixed the alto solo key. Thanks for pointing that out and ending a period of intense frustration.

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