Text and getting playback to play in the right order

• Sep 3, 2021 - 02:27

Hi there! I am new to writing music with lyrics, and using the same music for different verses.

I am writing a piece from a poem written by someone I know, who specifically said he wanted the last part in a particular way. This is how it goes: V1, Chorus, V2 Chorus, V3, V1 then Chorus. So, how do I get Musescore to play it in that order? Also, rather than write out the Verses under one another, is it possible to write the first verse under the Verse score, then write the other two verses at the end of the completed score?

Thank you. Much appreciated.


I would also suggest, reading up on how repeats, voltas, ds/dc, segnos, and codas work in music notation in general. If standard music notation supports it, then in general, it works in MuseScore as well. MuseScore doesn't really provide special features to determine playback order other than what standard notation does. If what you want can be done using those elements - repeats, voltasd, ds/dc, segnos, and codas - then human musicians and MuseScore should understand. If it can't be represented using those standard elements, you can attempt to write in text for human musicians to follow and hope they understand, but MuseScore won't be able to.

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