Why is accent articulation playback a "time stretch" setting instead of a "velocity" one?

• Sep 12, 2021 - 09:25

Hi here :)

I'm using Musescore 3.6.2 and when I'm selecting an accent, the inspector articulation playback offers me to change the time length instead of the volume (which I guess is normally called velocity within Musescore).

Is it supposed to be like that or is it a bug?

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Musescore 3.6.2 - Accent.png 138 KB


The time stretch won't have any effect, I believe, it is there for some articulations like fermatas. Similar for the Ornament Style, which doesn't apply to Articulations at all, but only to Ornaments. They used to share a common palette "Articulations & Ornaments" in some previous version.

There's no velocity setting for any of those.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Now I understand what's wrong. You're indeed right about the fact that there has always only been a time stretch setting in the inspector on accents (I checked on an another computer) that doesn't affect anything.

I just discovered that adding an accent on some custom SoundFont instruments doesn't affect their volume at all while it works perfectly fine with some others (even within the same SoundFount library).

In my case, the "Tyros Nylon Express" sound from the Accoustic Guitars JNv2.4 SoundFont has no volume change while the "Nylon 2 Expressive" one has a volume change. I guess it's an issue related to the SoundFont itself rather than Musescore.

In reply to by ivangabriele

To be clear: "velocity" and "volume" are two different concepts in MIDI, but most older systems treated "velocity" as implying sometime about volume automatically. Some soundfonts still see things that way, others see them as the different things they are. When using soundfonts other than the default, it's up to you to set things up properly to get them to interpret velocity and volume as appropriate for that particular soundfont. Using the default, everything works perfectly right out of the box, but with third part soundfonts, you may need to play with settings in View / Synthesizer / Dynamics.

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