Edit Element feature
I would like to know if there is any way of disabling the Edit element mode when I double-click a note or rest with my mouse (as a keyboard shortcut it is alt+shift+e), but I couldn't find a way to disable this mode when using double-click. Is there a way or should it be added to the software?
A lock mode is being discussed (and partly available already, but see #311604: Locked score unlocks by mouse interactions)
The potential lock mode would be something pretty drastically different though - it would prevent any edits, not just those done in edit mode. Can you explain in more detail why you want to prevented from that particular type of edit only, while presumably still being allowed to perform other edits? Is your mouse double-click sensitivity simply set too high, perhaps?
In reply to The potential lock mode… by Marc Sabatella
My goal would just to have some way to disable entering Edit mode when double-clicking it because my mouse is malfunctioning and it double-clicks more often than not, so it would be interesting if I could somehow turn off changing modes by double-clicking. Bottom line is I'd rather just be using normal mode, both with single and double-clicks. Therefore, if there was a way to disable not only the alt+shift+e but also the double click feature, I would immensely like that.
In reply to My goal would just to have… by Plinds
Surely that sort of problem would cause issues with all the software you used, including whatever File/Web browsing type application you might use, sounds like you need a new mouse (or cleaning it etc.)
But no, the logic to activate edit-element mode on double-click is hard-coded, you can't disable it. You can just press Esc to get out of it though.
On Windows at least you can configure the Double Click speed, maybe try that?
In reply to Surely that sort of problem… by Dylan Nicholson1
Thanks for the reply, I was hoping it could be an easy issue to adress but if it is hard coded then I guess I'll buy a new mouse. I didn't know about the esc, thanks for that too
In reply to Surely that sort of problem… by Dylan Nicholson1
I receive a lot of coursework done in MuseScore and sometimes I see weird note head offsets which I guess comes from accidental double clicking. Since offseting a note head is a bit unusual, maybe that edit action on this kind of element could require an aditional step (ie, SHIFT + double click) ?
In reply to I receive a lot of … by Fernando Raube…
yes, it should. Way too easy to move a head by accident
In reply to I receive a lot of … by Fernando Raube…
But you don't even need to double click first! I certainly agree there are types of element that are unusual to need to move and should require some additional action - I would have thought double click first was a reasonable requirement (which means 3 mouse down actions, vs the current 1). Though I had investigated whether "edit mode" was even needed at all (vs just using modifier keys while dragging).