Center whole note in measure

• Oct 1, 2021 - 15:35

I am using MuseScore to create tests for my Theory I class. I am asking them to build triads based on a given root, but I need that whole note to be centered left to right in the measure. I realize that left alignment is conventional notation, but it doesn't give them enough room to add accidentals. I can double click the note and change the x-axis offset, but then I just have to eyeball the whole thing, and changing each measure changes the position of the notes in the surrounding measures. Is there any way to ask the program to actually center the notes?


Not that I'm aware of no.

I'd personally opt for using the "Leading Space" setting of the segment to make room for manual input of things, rather than X-offsetting the chords and also do all of them in one swoop by selecting them all at once. doesn't give them enough room to add accidentals.

I guess the test is administered using printed sheets?
...because MuseScore will "make room" as accidentals are added to notes close to a barline.

As mentioned, a leading space adjustment is probably the way to go, although actually depending on the specifics, an X offset to the "chord" could make sense instead. Try each way, and if you need further assistance, feel free to attach your score here.

Also, a trick I've used in cases where literally the entire worksheet was whole notes I wanted centered: go to Format / Style / Measure and increase the margin from barline to first note, also from barline to accidental.

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