visibility, hiding staves, & section breaks ?

• Oct 2, 2021 - 19:53

I believe I am getting some interactions between: visibility check boxes, hiding stave check box, and section breaks that I do not understand at all. Perhaps it is some other settings. I divide this post into two sections: 1) what I don't understand given the settings in attachment hereto, 2) how close can I come to achieving my goal.

1) Why do I see all the empty staves at end of score? I have empty staves "hide" set. And why amongst these being displayed is measures 1-5 in TAB and 6-16 as clef? (my meas# may be off a bit in this post).

2) Using notation in image, my goal is to control the visibility of S1, S2, and S3 independently of each other while keeping S1 & S2 "linked."

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Even with "Hide empty staves" at least one staff will be shown, the topmost one. And thst tabs taff after the section break is not empty. it has that staff text (that looks like a reheasal mark, but isn't)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

THX for quick answer.don't totally understand.

TAB staff after section break, U say not empty cuz of staff txt. Got it, don't like this definition of "empty" but.......
Why are meas 5-16 showing, and worse, why are they in "clef" mode/notation?

It seems to me that the internal definitions of the scope of S1 S2 and S3 got mixed up after the section break. Possible?

New Q: what is the proper term(s) for the areas/staves of S1 & S2 vs. S3?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I understand what you are saying, BUT, the conditions "staff text" or(logical or) "empty" don't apply to the staves with clefs.
or do they?
definition: a line = sequence of measures once across a page
Is my problem that every 4 measures I use/have a "system" break? and thus each line is a "top" line?

IF so, how else do I get only/exactly 4 measures across a page?

In reply to by dpenny

"line", as mentioned before, is not really a term in music. Better to be precise - there are staves, and there are systems. Your score has three staves (one standard, two tab, and I count eight systems (three on the first page, five on the second - the last four systems consisting of only one staff each).

Not sure what you mean about four measures - your score has that, because you added system breaks. Are you saying they aren't where you want them? I note the first system has five measures, but I assume that's on purpose because the first bvar is essentially a pickup (and should probably have been created as such, excluded from the measure count and with only those three beats).

I'm not really understanding the questions either, I'd recommend describing your issues in more detail. But I can say:

  • a staff with text is not empty, because that's the normal expectation. why add text to a staff if you don't want to see it?

  • the point of hide empty staves is to reduce the number of staves shown for a system, not to render systems completely invisible. so of course at least one staff would normally still needed to be displayed - otherwise how would someone reading the score understand that there is anything at all going on?

  • while the top staff is normally the one displayed if all are empty, you can actually select another by setting the "do not hide if system is empty" property on it

So if you'd rather see the tab staff than the standard staff in empty measures on the second page, simply set the aforementioned option for that staff. Or better yet, put something on those staves - I'm not understanding the point of the empty measures here? If it's to indicate improvisation, then use Toos / Fill With Slashes so people reading the score understand that. And, best to add chord symbols at the start of each system, even if they don't change. Again, musicians will expect that.

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