repeats don't play in version 3.6

• Oct 3, 2021 - 22:47

I opened some scores created in version 2 of MuseScore. In version 3 the repeats no longer played as they had in version 2. Is there something special I need to do? Thanks.

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maria_wallt_v1.mscz 4.51 KB


That score stems from MuseScore 1.3, but plays perfectly correct when opened in 3.6.2 without any adjustments at all.

Do make sure you have your "play repeats" toolbar button set on.

In reply to by mfmsncsu

To be clear: by default, repeats do playback - the button is enabled by default. You must have accidentally disabled them at some point. As mentioned, there was a bug in some older versions (from a year or two ago) where you could turn off the button but it wouldn't actually work correctly, and you might well have had the button turned off ever since without realizing it. Current versions have fixed that bug, so it could well be a button you turned off two years is only just now taking effect!

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