Missing piano track after MP3 Export

• Nov 3, 2021 - 22:59

Hi all,
I wrote this included piece for Duet Flute and Piano. First, Sometimes when I playback, piano track don't play unless I press on any piano note to ''wake up'' the piano track. Second, when I export the entire score to MP3, the piano part does not play. Exporting each part individually works just fine.
I am running macOS Big Sur version 11.5.2 on a Mac Mini M1. I replicate the same problem on my MacBook Pro with the same MacOS.
I use 2 fonts : MuseScore_General.sf3 and AegeanSymphonicOrchestra-v3_5-musescore.sf2. Dynamic Method is set to default (single note dynamics and velocity). Both fonts produce the same result.

Thanks in advance

Attachment Size
Waltz in Cm 3 nov 2021.mscz 36.9 KB


Now it works fine when I switch Dynamics Method to : Velocity only (no-single note dynamics). It's a bit counter-intuitive for me to chose no-single note dynamics since the piece contains plenty of them ! Not really sure !

In reply to by Simon Alami

To be clear: single note dynamics means literally, change of dynamic on - or more accurate within a single note. As it, a single note that gradually gets louder. As mentioned, pianos definitely do not do this. That is why it defaults to off for piano, and why the default soundfont does not attempt to use it for piano. If you change to another soundfont, you need to be sure it does not attempt to use it for piano either.

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