Chord symbols Spelling is shown erroneously.

• Nov 16, 2021 - 21:35
Reported version
Graphical (UI)
S4 - Minor

After setting Spelling setting for Chord symbols to German and creating a new document, the editor no longer recognizes the German chord (for example H in stead of B). This happens even though the setting appears to be set to German. My fix is to set Spelling option to "Standard", press "OK", set Spelling option back to "German" and press "OK" again.


Frequency Many Once
Status active needs info

That setting is per score, so you can't set it first and then create a new score
And the other way round, creating a score and then changing that setting, does work for me.

Title Chord symbols Spelling is reset Chord symbols Spelling is shown erroneously.
Frequency Once Many
Status needs info active
Type Functional Graphical (UI)

I understand that the style setting is per score.
However, when I create a new score after finishing a score, the setting still is shown as German. There lies the bug. Because the setting is in reality not German.

On a side note, it would of course have been nice to be able to set a style setting as standard for new scores.

You can set a style as default, in Edit / Preferences / Score. Although for most purposes it is easier and better to simply save your score to your Templates folder for easy reuse of more than just style settings.

Anyhow, I can confirm the visual glitch in the dialog. Presumably we aren’t reinitializing the data structure used to implement the radio buttons.

Thanks for the tip. I agree also on the frequency, I thought it meant how frequent it occurs for me, but this is obviously covered by reproducibility.