Layout operation messes up the left margin of system

• Nov 17, 2021 - 12:16

Every time I do a layout operation (size change in page settings, or others...) left margin of system is altered (space before keys). Looks like a bug of measure spacing....
Any help, please?

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Screenshot 2021-11-17 at 13.14.31.png 93.71 KB


Indeed, we'd need the score to do more than guess. But my guess is, either a symbol that needs to be aligned to the start of the measure was dragged out of position and MuseScore is trying to make room for it, or else the clef segment has a leading space adjustment manually applied (perhaps you accidentally dragged it). The former you reset by selecting the measure and hitting Ctrl+R to reset positions; the latter by selections the clef and hitting the reset button next to the leading space control in the Isnpector.

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