
• Nov 22, 2021 - 23:30

My school purchased this for me (I am the Music Teacher at my school). I am trying to install the pro on my work computer. Each time it shuts me down. Is there a site where I can view the process? It shouldn't be this hard and this is why I'm getting frustrated. Please help.


And if you are talking about the "Pro" subscription to the online score sharing platform; then there is nothing to install. It is an online thing and linked to the account you use to login there (which is the same as you used to post here).

Looking at your profile on that site you do have Pro active.

To clarify further:

The thing you are presumably trying to install on your work computer is MuseScore, the free and open source music notation software. There is no way to purchase it even if you wanted to, it is always free. Sounds like your school purchases something else for you - probably a subscription to the score-sharing website That's possibly nice too, but not really relevant to your use of MuseScore on your computer. MuseScore doesn't know or care if you have a subscription to or any other website - again, it's always free.

But, it also shouldn't "shut you down" when you try to install it :-). So in order for us to help, we'd need to know more info, like what OS your computer has, and what specifically does wrong - some sort of error message when you run the installer? Or when you try to start the program after installing?

And you're right, it shouldn't be hard at, and normally isn't. But every computer system is different, and it could well be your computer has something unusual going on with it that the installer hasn't encountered before and doesn't know how to handle. Or maybe you're misunderstanding something about the installation process (like trying to run the installer again after it is already installed). Once we understand more about what actual problem you are seeing, we can start thinking about how it can be solved.

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