Lyrics in Measures & Unintended Code

• Sep 9, 2014 - 00:57
S5 - Suggestion

I have searched Issue Tracker and find nothing on my issue.

I created sheet music with MuseScore 2.0.0 Revision 65e548f and then installed Revision 1efc609 on a new computer and opened the previously created file with the new installation. The music appears in the middle of the measure instead of below as it had been. This is true for both single and double line verses and chorus.

Additionally, please note the appearance of code next to instrument type. This creates a large waste of space on the left.

The notes appear to play fine. Both computers are Windows OS. I don't know why there would be a difference between versions, but, for my purposes, these bugs makes the software unusable.

Attachment Size
MuseScore Bug Report 2014-09-8.png 29.5 KB


In order to be do anything about this, we would need a copy of the actual score you are having trouble with - not just a picture of it - and detailed steps on how to reproduce the problem.

That said, it appears that build you created the file in is almost a year old. In general, files created in older experimental nightly builds are not supported. Details of how files are stored changes constantly during development, and that means files created in one build might not continue to work in later builds. So do post the score and we can take a look, but I'm afraid the conclusion will probably be that files from that build just aren't supported any more. If you still have it, you could load your file, export to MusicXML, then import that into a more recent build.