pasting lyric works with ties?

• Dec 9, 2021 - 17:55

When I paste a line of text, it works perfectly repeating the command-V keys but when it comes to a tied note it places the syllable on the tied note instead of the following note. Am I doing something wrong?
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In reply to by edurbrow

To be clear, hyphens and underscores work the same when pasting from a word processor as when entering directly into MsueScore. Just enter the necessary underscores into the word processor before copying. At least that's my understanding; for whatever reason, pasting lyrics in lyrics edit mode isn't working at all for me.

Also, FWIW, the tie on the eighths in that measure isn't needed; that particular rhythm is better to write eighth quarter eighth. You only need to tie eighths between two-beat groupings (eg, from the "&" of 2 into 3.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Right. In most cases there is no problem. It is just that whether it is a hyphen or a syllable, it was placed on the wrong note.
You are right about the first tie. It was a mistake I didn't notice until after I posted. It was the second tie, over the barline that I was looking at. And there is a hyphen there. The problem is "cers" should be under the 'and of one' and not under the first beat.
Thank you for sticking with this.
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In reply to by edurbrow

For typing lyrics into the score...
Enter 'sau' then hyphen, then hyphen, then 'cers'.

If you are entering by copy/paste from the clipboard (e.g., from a text file) and already have the hyphen between 'sau' and 'cers' -- once you paste the 'sau', you need to press the hyphen (even though one already shows), then paste the 'cers'.


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