MuseScore crashed and now the file I was working on can't be opened

• Jan 6, 2022 - 19:58

This has happened twice now- I was working on a score using the MDL plug-in and the program crashed unexpectedly. I save my work frequently in case this happens, so the file I'm attaching here should be up to date, however when I try to open it I get an error message that says MuseScore cant read the file. The first time it happened I had an old duplicate saved file, so I lost about 3 hours work but was able to go back and re-do it. I've done quite a bit more work on the score since then, so if I can't fix the file this time it's going to be about 10 hours of work down the drain.. I would really appreciate some help here

Attachment Size
22 Buck Street.mscz 17.46 KB


Unfortunately this file seems likely to have been corrupted beyond repair, although maybe someone else knows better. But do see for info on how to recover the backup or autosave files MuseScore makes automatically. Also, depending on what OS you are on, see if your system provides its own backups you can access. For example, on Windows, unless you went out of your way to disable it, OneDrive automatically saves everything to the cloud and lets you restore the previous version, so assuming you were saving every few minutes or whatever, you'd only have lost that much work.

Can I suggest you save your work as an uncompressed MSCX file? Although there is no proof that Windows or MuseScore is messing up the compression or decompression of files this would result in one less step where things can go wrong. Also, as you've found out, an older copy of the file is useful in aiding recovery so save copies frequently to different file names - I would just go into File Explorer/Finder/whatever and Copy/Paste the most recent file and let your OS create a new file with a number added..

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