Minims go "blup" on playback

• Jan 8, 2022 - 17:51

Hi all,

I'm using 3.6.2 and I'm writing a piece for women's voices, harpsichord, piano, four violas, claves, triangle, woodblock and drumset.

The violas play repeated minims separated by minim rests, as you'll see from the score. Two play the "melody" line and two are in harmony at thirds.

The problem is that at bar 75, the harmony minims suddenly don't play their full length, they just go "blup" like a very sharp staccatissimo. It's an interesting effect, but not what I want and it contnues into a perfectly innocent pizzicato passage that follows.

I tried adding two more viola parts and putting the notes in there (maybe I shouldn't have copied them, but it seemed to work to start with) but this just ended up with the same effect.

Any ideas?

Many thanks

David Four_Seasons_Master_Track.pdf

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Four_Seasons_Master_Track.pdf 196.97 KB


Error on my part. Schoolboy error in failing to switch pizzicato off, so when minims went "blup" they were doing pizzicato!

All fixed now. Thanks for your help

David Jones

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