How to position staffs individually on page?

• Jan 30, 2022 - 20:22


I am an old Finale user - and I just today stumbled over Musescore - and it looks beautiful! So now I am getting to know the program. I need to be able to adjust the space between staffs in my page layout - and I cannot find a way to do it - can you help me?

It seems that Musescore has automatic spacing on - and that does spread out the staffs evenly on the page, but leaves me no room to fit extra verses etc. in the bottom of the page.


All best,


As noted, when you add a frame, MuseScore automatically readjust the staff spacing, no need to fiddle with settings, and in fact doing so before you've finished entering the content is usually counterproductive, as settings that work for the score as it exists before adding the frame usually turn out to be wrong once the frame is added.

But for the record, for the special cases where you do actually need to adjust spacing, all the relevant settings are in Format / Style / Page.

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