Chord/Beat association and editing

• Feb 3, 2022 - 07:46

Hi Forum - newbie question:

I have entered a bunch of chords with the view to adding melody et al after. I was expecting the chords to be 2 to the 4/4 bar but it is giving me the first 2 beats and the rest of the bar is no chords. I notice when grabbing the chord symbol with the mouse it has a red "ghost" line that seems to anchor it to that beat...can I edit that association? How?
Cheers, Roen

V OS: Windows 10 (10.0), Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: 3224f34


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks for your interest, Jojo.
I started with a blank staff, 4/4, just full of semibreve rests. I clicked to make crotchet rests so my first several bars were 2 x crotchet rests and a minim rest. I used the space bar to go to the next beat - maybe I have answered it for myself: the space bar will determine which beat the chord hits.
My question is: when I click on the chord I can see a red “string” that shows where the chord is “tethered’, can I move that? I am trying to avoid redoing what I have done…and learn a little along the way.

Thanks for your thoughts!

In reply to by Roen

Those semi-breve rests are probably whole measure rests (centered to the measure rather than left aligned).

That red "string" shows which note, rest, beat the chord symbol is anchored to and no, you can't re-anchor chord symbols (you can re-anchor dynamics though)

In reply to by Roen

Note that adding all those rests didn't help, and actually slows the show process down. You can enter two chords per bar very easily even without the rests. Just press space (next note, rest, or beat) or semiocolon (next beat) after entering one chord and it moves to the next beat whether there is a note or not. Semicolon is nice because it works the same even if you have a measure full of sixteenth - it still moves one beat at a time.

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