Difference between score and parts

• Feb 10, 2022 - 13:54


I have a score for orchestra. I am now working on the parts and came to realize that the Violin part has 7 extra measures which the general score does not (the problem is located in measure 24: in the score a new section begins, while in the part something else happens and the new section begins 7 measures later).

Does anyone now hat might be the problem? Deleting the extra measures in the part is no solution, as it deletes 7 measures on the score.

I am working with Version: 3.6.2 in mac, Catalina.

I know there might be some issue as when I open the file it says it is the file is corrupt, but in the details the first error is at measure 58.

Thank you so much for your help!


Attachment Size
DemografiaAcustica_Final_ParaPartes.mscz 209.55 KB


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