MSCZ File crashes Musescore when I try to open it

• Feb 25, 2022 - 04:15

Please help! I haven't been able to access this file for the last hour and I'm not sure why. This is one of my assignments for school that's due tomorrow (eek!)

Currently using Musescore 3.6.2 on MacOS Mojave. I've tried all the options for opening the file (clicking the file in my file manager, selecting from open recent, selecting from the start centre) and they all have the same outcome: the file makes Musescore crash with no other dialogue other than the standard Mac "Musescore closed unexpectedly".

File is attached for reference. Thanks in advance for the assistance!

Attachment Size
Kyoto.mscz 62.46 KB


I think there might have been a corruption in one of the parts.
Were you making a lot of edits to the score with the parts already generated?

See if this works for you:
(Parts will need to be re-created.)

Crashe in debug too, stack trace:

1 ntdll!RtlIsZeroMemory 0x7fff0b9cc033
2 ntdll!.misaligned_access 0x7fff0b9d4e92
3 ntdll!.misaligned_access 0x7fff0b9d517a
4 ntdll!.misaligned_access 0x7fff0b9df665
5 ntdll!RtlGetCurrentServiceSessionId 0x7fff0b8e8365
6 ntdll!RtlFreeHeap 0x7fff0b8e7631
7 msvcrt!free 0x7fff0a7dc6ac
8 Ms::StaffType::~StaffType stafftype.h 277 0xf5767e
9 Ms::Measure::add measure.cpp 943 0xa29ce8
10 Ms::Score::createMMRest layout.cpp 2273 0x9fee99
11 Ms::Score::getNextMeasure layout.cpp 3010 0xa02ec8
12 Ms::Score::collectSystem layout.cpp 3937 0xa08b1d
13 Ms::Score::doLayoutRange layout.cpp 5167 0xa107a5
14 Ms::Score::update cmd.cpp 302 0x536fa8
15 Ms::Score::update score.h 756 0xf3a58a
16 Ms::readScore file.cpp 2437 0x4cd181
17 Ms::MuseScore::readScore file.cpp 474 0x4bd4cc
18 Ms::MuseScore::openScore file.cpp 416 0x4bcf8c
19 Ms::MuseScore::doLoadFiles file.cpp 349 0x4bc6d3
20 Ms::MuseScore::openFiles file.cpp 314 0x4bc31c

Trying to debug further even crashes the debugger itself...

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

The marimba has a staff type change in measure 8. When the part gets generated measure 8 tries to combine with measures 1 - 7 as a multimeasure rest.

To reproduce the crash...
Open this file:
where I have added staff text "Change" to break the multi-measure rest (so I could save and re-open the score without crashing).
1. In measure 8 of the marimba, delete the "Change" text in either the part or score.
2. Save, then close the score.
3. Re-opening the score crashes.

In reply to by Jm6stringer

Confirmed. Stack trace is the same.
That is in the destructor for that Staff Type change (virtual ~StaffType() {}) and during the handling of multi measure rests (in void Score::createMMRest(Measure m, Measure lm, const Fraction& len))

So MuseScore does crash if a score has a staff type change and multimeasure rests enabled (which, for parts, is the default, but having parts is not neccessaryfor the crash), see the 2 attached scores, one crashes, the other does not. Only difference:

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