DISPLAyin Musescore 3

• Mar 23, 2022 - 07:46

Scores I open in Musescore 3 that were created with Musescore2 often display with very wide treble to bass stave distance in Musescore3. Is there a fix for this?

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The_Donkey.mscz 17.48 KB


Ctrl+A, Ctrl+R, to reset all elementes to their default positions

You've made the (common) mistake of not starting with voice 1 in bass clef (actually in any staff), so ended up with voice 1 rests, which you then change their offsets on, which n ow in MuseScore 3 triggers the autoplacing and so causes these gaps

As mentioned, this score was created incorrectly, with voice 1 skipped. So while resetting the rest positions partially solves the issue, you also need to fix the score itself to move content back into voice 1. Select the contents of the bottom staff, then use Tools / Voices to exchange voices 1 & 3, then 2 & 4, so you are using voices 1 & 2 on both staves rather than 1 & 2 on the top and 3 & 4 on the bottom. Then remove any remaining voice 3 & 4 rests. Probably the best way is to use View / Selection Filter to exclude voices 1 & 2 from the selection, then hit Delete to remove everything else, then restore voices 1 & 2.

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