Trombone Glissando

• Mar 26, 2022 - 00:05

I use Musescore Portable on a USB stick drive, which is basically Musescore 2, but portable. I've never looked at any newer versions of the program because they're not available as portable versions, so maybe this is already a feature in them, but I don't know.

During playback, when I have a glissando on a trombone part, it plays each individual note between the start and end of the glissando, but I (obviously) want it to be a continuous smear, like how a trombone would sound doing a glissando in real life.


Actually, MuseScore 3 is available as a portable version too - see the Download link above. And yes, it supports "portamento", which is the technical term for that sort of smooth glissando. Just add the gliss then change its type in the Inspector.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I just downloaded it and immediately tried out a glissando with the portamento setting.
It's almost comically bad, possibly even worse than the standard chromatic glissando.
I really do appreciate your time and the fact that you informed me of the feature in MuseScore 3, but I think I'll stick to the version I already use, at least for now, especially since I'm more comfortable with the GUI of MuseScore 2 than 3 anyway.

In reply to by Tanjelly

FWIW, portamenti wasn't invented for trombone, but rather for electronic music, so indeed it's not a great representation of how acoustic instruments work. But the other improvements in MuseScore 4 are enormous and will save you dozens of hours of times you'd otherwise have to spend doing things manually that MuseScore now does automatically. On the other hand, not much point in making that change now when MuseScore 4 is also coming relatively soon and will represent a much more significant UI change.

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