how to exit multiple voice (and back to single voice notation) at a specific point

• Apr 12, 2022 - 03:51

I feel I should know this as its surely quite simple and I've used multiple voice before, so apologies in advance. Couldn't seem to find anything about it in the handbook.

I'm using multiple voice for the first of four beats in the measure. I wish to revert back to single voice notation from beat 2 onward. What's happening is that, once I select multiple voice on beat 1, and I start entering rests/notes in beat 1, rests for voice 2 appear for the entirety of that measure, and also all of the following measure. But when I enter notes in voice 1 for those two measures, and continue notating into the third measure, the program reverts back to single voice notation. I don't understand how the program is deciding when to revert back to single voice? Or am I unconsciously doing/not doing something that is giving the program a command to revert back to single voice?

How do I control when to revert back to single voice from multiple voice? Or is it the case that you can't input multiple voice notation for less than two measures, and you just have to hide the unwanted rests in those two bars?


I'm not understanding what you mean about reverting. When you select a voice and start entering note,s it stays in that voice as long as you keep entering notes, whether it's one measure, three, or a hundred. If you for whatever reason leave note input mode, though, you need to reselect the voice you want after re-entering it later.

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