Spacing at end of irregular measures

• Apr 12, 2022 - 16:44

is there a way to eliminate the large amount of space between the last note and the barline of an irregular measure? Other than increasing the space between all notes manually by dragging them right and messing up all auto placement.

Cheers & thanks



Dirty trick which isn't worth it imho:
Split the measure before the last note and mark the barline invisible. Then reduce the measure stretch of that final note measure to 0 and give a big stretch to the first partial measure to spread it out more.

It's hard to say from just a picture - seeing the actual score would help. But, from what I can see here, this is just normal correct music spacing, nothing to do with the measure being irregular. Half notes and whole notes are supposed to take more space than quarter notes, whether they appear at the beginning or end of a measure; it's an important part of how we read rhythm.

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