How to make website playback louder?

• May 11, 2022 - 09:43

I have a score that I made in the program that's really loud, and it matches the sound I want. When I publish it to musescore, the whole thing sounds like mf at best and the ff's just don't have the impact that I need. Is there a way for me to increase the volume in the website playback? I've tried using the synthesizer "Save to score", the playback panel, and cranking up every voice on the mixer but no luck. The volume just stays the same.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I know they're in effect, but I'm asking how I can make the website playback louder in general. Playing it in the program it's much louder than when I play it in the play window on The high notes and double forte's sound full and loud in the program but .com makes it sound more anticlimactic and dry

The playback should be "normalized", meaning, the loudest point in the music should be as loud as it can theoretically go without clipping (and possibly damaging your speakers if they are turned up loud). Usually the normalization process means the website playback is louder than in MuseScore. Only way I can think of that it wouldn't be if you actually turned up the volume so loud within MsueScore that it is already clipping. Then the normalization process would indeed reduce the volume to try to prevent that. if that's the case, you should restore your MuseScore volume to the default level (double-click the control in the Mixer, Play Panel, or Synthesizer) and simply turn your speaker up instead.

But also, it's important to be aware - you have no control over how online music sounds to others. Everyone will have their own speakers set different. Mine are usually pretty quiet. There is no way to force other people to listen to music at the volume you prefer. And that's part of the point of normalization - so the listener is in charge of the volume.

BTW, it's also possible you have changed the relative volume of your web browser and of MuseScore in your operating system's own mixer. So be sure those are set to similar values if you want the experience on your own computer to be more comparable between programs.

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