Load error

• Jun 4, 2022 - 16:46

When I try to open a musescore that I'd like to continue working on, I get a "load error" and cannot access the file any longer. I have lost many, many musescore documents this way. What can I do to open my documents and continue working on the song projects? Thanks!

Attachment Size
Open_My_Heart_chant.mscz 19.97 KB


Unfortunately this file seems to be completely corrupted. To find a backup version of the file, see https://musescore.org/en/node/52116.

Meanwhile though it would be great to understand how this happened. We do occasionally get random reports of files that have become corrupted in this way, but as far as as I can recall, its never happened multiple times to the same person before, and no one has found steps to reproduce the problem. So perhaps the fact that it has happened often to you will allow us to finally figure out what is causing this - what unique properties of your particular system or the way you go about saving files triggers this bug for you so often when most people never see it or at most once.

The more information you can provide about your system and workflow, the better. So start with, which version of MuseScore, what OS, what antivirus or other automatic backup programs you have running in the background that might be interfering with MsueScore's normal file writing, anything unusual about the drive or folder you are saving to, etc.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks for your help. I'm running Windows 10 on a Lenovo, yoga, laptop. (250SSD, Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5200U CPU @ 2.20GHz 2.19 GHz) (RAM 8.00 GB (7.88 GB usable)) I'm using Windows Defender antivirus program. I also have Camtasia and Ableton Live 11 installed on my computer. I use these regularly.
I have up-dated Musescore many times. I just installed the most recent version about three days ago and have not used it yet. I file all my musescore documents in the Documents/Musescore/Scores folder. About one third of my musescore projects have become corrupted and I cannot open. I now always save my musescore projects as a PDF before closing the musescore program.

In reply to by angelsongproj

Wow, a third of all scores? That's awful, and also incredible given that I don't think anyone else has seen this more than once or twice. So, there must be some clue here. I don't think any of the things you've described would be problematic in themselves - certainly we have millions of uses on Windows running Defender, and neither Camtasia or Ableton should affect MuseScore's file saving at all. Any backup software running? Anything where some other service is trying to sync your files to the cloud? OneDrive comes standard on Windows and doesn't normally cause problems, but some third-part cloud sync software might.

BTW, instead of just saving as PDF, you might at least try exporting as MusicXML< which would allow you to import the file again with relatively little loss of info. Or save an extra copy as MSCX.

In reply to by angelsongproj

You wrote:
I have up-dated Musescore many times.

As your contributor profile shows you active in the forum since 2 days ago, how long have you been using MuseScore?

About one third of my musescore projects have become corrupted and I cannot open.

Can you give an approximate total number of corrupted projects? (rather than percentage)
Also, if you right click on each corrupted project and compare the creation and/or modified dates, do any patterns emerge (regarding dates and times)?

If you attach one or two additional scores we can check if they suffer from the same error, or if perhaps they can be repaired either via a zip repair tool, and/or if the .mscx (uncompressed) file is accessible and fixable.

In reply to by angelsongproj

Thanks for the follow up.

Unfortunately, these 2 files also suffered the same fate as your first attachment. The score content is gone. Sometimes files with load errors can be salvaged. Not in this case.

Have you experienced MuseScore crashes after which you encounter these load errors? In other words, if you have lots of bogus scores, have you experienced lots of crashes?

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