Measure numbering

• Jul 13, 2022 - 11:46

HI, I want to add a number of bars for a part of music sheet (see photo). How can I automatically add a number of bars of selected region? Or suggest different ways to do it. Thanks!

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In reply to by parkhomenko785…

There is a limited automatic way to do this.

If you add a rehearsal mark and label it with the actual measure number you can then add further rehearsal marks later in the score and use Tools>Resequence Rehearsal Marks to update them to reflect the actual measure number. See… for more details.

There are a few details not mentioned.

  1. The first rehearsal mark in the score must have the number of the measure it is attached to. For example if you add a rehearsal mark in measure 16, you must label it 16. If you then insert say 8 measures before that rehearsal mark, resequencing will not work. You would have to update that first rehearsal mark to be 24. If you add measures after the first rehearsal mark then resequencing will work.

  2. After the first rehearsal mark you can label your rehearsal marks any way you like. It does not have to be the same as the measure number or even a number. It could be a letter. Resequencing will update them to be numeric and equal to the measure number whatever their initial value is.

  3. If you have a section break after the first rehearsal mark the measure numbers are reset to start the new section at 1. This may be a good thing for your needs. You can have a section break in the score where you want to start counting from. The resequencing works and takes into account the reset of numbering following a section break - i.e. If there is a section break at measure 50, a rehearsal mark 12 measures after that section break will be numbered 12 after resequencing even though it is 62 measures after the start of the score.

  4. The resequencing only works with rehearsal marks that contain only numbers - a rehearsal mark such as "A" or "A 16" of "16 A" will not allow the tool to work. However, you can edit the label after your score structure is fixed and you have resequenced the rehearsal marks as numbers.

I suggest you should make an example score and experiment to see how it works in practice rather than trying to use it for the first time on a "real live" score that you are working on.

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