Unwanted sustain on violin parts.

• Jul 14, 2022 - 19:32

I've been trying to make an arrangement of a particular song but after finishing it when I pressed play to listen to the whole thing, it sounded like the violin parts had a to of sustain. When I copy-pasted the parts into a different document, it worked fine and sounded like it did before but for some reason, the original document wasn't working. Is there something that I'm missing on here?

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wheatly_crab.mscz 43.26 KB


Sounds OK to me. You may have over marked the bass part. Pizz and staccatissimo might make other things sound too long. Are you using the default font?

Is there a particular note you feel is sustaining too long?

Could something got "stuck" in your internal synthesizer, so try closing and retarting MuseScore.

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