Unnecessary whitespace at the beginning of the bar and stretching issues

• Jul 30, 2022 - 11:14

Most lines in my piece contain 4 or more bars, but for some reason I have two bars which are taking up entire lines each. There certainly isn't enough content in those bars to justify them taking up an entire line, and the second such bar also has a huge amount of whitespace before the notes. I've tried to use stretching and breaks to fix this but with no luck yet.

The bars in question are 54 and 55. Thanks!

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True Colors MJ.mscz 95.16 KB


Select measure 55. In the Inspector, click 'Notes' (at the bottom) then look for 'Leading space' and click the circular 'reset' arrow (on the right) to get rid of the 50 space blank area at the measure's beginning.

Do the same for measure 11.

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