bars with no time signature

• Aug 4, 2022 - 10:06

I am trying to digitise Terry Riley's In C and it needs bars of variable length, so I either have to change to a new time signature every bar or is there a way to leave the time signature unspecified?


From bar properties make the actual length very iong. Then enter the notes. You will probably want to use continuous view mode or a very wide page width as the bar will extend beyond the margins in normal page view mode. When you have entered the notes. Switch to page view and or reset the page margins and split the now very long bar at convenient points to have it continue on another system. You can delete any original time signature or make it invisible.

In reply to by Jm6stringer

I think for thar sort of experimental notation you will have to ... erm ... experiment, as I doubt any one here has direct experience of doing what you are attempting.

You may want to look at using horizontal frames (see , section breaks (see and capturing and inserting images to get those odd looking repeats that only have the dots but no barline (see and

Good luck.

In reply to by SteveBlower

Yeah, that's pretty much the right list of features. For the repeat dots, instead of graphics, you can add those directly from the Symbols palette - press "Z" to display the palette, search for "repeat" or "dot" to find them.

As for the music itself, I'd recommend using a combination the commands in Tools / Measure to join and split measures as needed to create the different durations, maybe also judicious use of Ctrl+Delete to "remove selected range" (delete beats from measure).

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