Change notes to belong to another voice, not exchange?

• Sep 6, 2022 - 02:39

I have a closed-score SATB piece and I'd like to change the Tenor from Voice 1 to Voice 2 (joining Bass on voice 2). Likewise, change Alto from Voice 2 to join Soprano on Voice 1. Is this possible?

The "exchange" function isn't what I need, or even the "x" to change stem direction.

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The easy way to do this for entire ranges of a staff at a time is to make the selection then use Tools / Implode. Do it for the staves separately unless you want all the voices on one staff. If it's just a few notes here and there, select those notes and press the button for the voice you want to move them to. Either way, notes will be combined only where it actually possible - the alto will still need its own voice for the eighths on the first beat.

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