Multi-measure rest - bar with invisible dynamic not included

• Sep 22, 2022 - 12:22

I have a whole note in one bar, with a hairpin diminuendo along its length. The next bar has a whole bar rest, but I put a ppp dynamic on that rest so the playback knows how much to reduce the volume of the previous note, and made that ppp invisible.

However, this means that the otherwise empty bar doesn't get picked up in the multi-measure rest - instead of a four bar rest, I get one empty bar (because nothing is visible) and a three bar rest.

Is there a way to either a) get that bar included in the multi-measure rest, or b) attach the ppp to the end of the hairpin in the previous bar.

The only way I can think to do the latter is to add invisible rests in voice 2 and attach the dynamic to one of those, but it's a messy workaround.


A) an invisible dynamic should not result in a measure to get excluded for m a Multimeasure rest, if it does this should get reported as a bug
B) to prevent this, instead of that dynamic use the hairpin's dynamic change in the inspector

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

A) It does, and it's repeatable - open a new template, put a note in bar 1 and a note in bar 10, and an invisible dynamic attached to the whole bar rest in bar 5. Press M, and instead of an 8 measure rest you get a 3 measure rest, the empty bar with invisible rest, and a 4 measure rest.

Can this ticket serve as the bug report?

B) Looks like this uses velocity change or something similar, so I'll just work around it another way.

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