Loosing parts of score

• Sep 17, 2014 - 07:34

Hi everyone,
I lost complete parts of my score and, as far as I know, only by experiment with soundfonts in my score (also during playback).
Measures-signs are gone, notes are hussled and leading sound doesn't synchronise with bass (Tuba).
I even had a score (lost it), where I heard notes, that weren't in my score.
In the attachment below you hear the couplet (measure 4-15) and the strofe (16-27); so far so good, but then it starts to mix and loosing notes.

Somebody with the same problems?


Attachment Size
De_dòòs.mscz 12.04 KB


A corruption has crept into the score somehow as evidenced by the spurious whole note rest in bar 37 which is where it starts to fall apart.

Unfortunately these corruptions happen from time to time, and the development team have yet to work out why.

Any information you can provide about what you were doing before this happened would be very helpful.

The remedy is to delete the corrupt bars and retype them. Sometimes you can copy and paste the contents to to new bars. Sometimes this copys the corruption again.

It is extremely unlikely that changing the soundfont is anythng to do with this.

Was the score concerned produced in 1.3 by any chance?

Never the less strange, isn't it, those kind of bugs, that didn't excist in 1.3?
One should expect that the new bugs only are related to the new supplements, sounds etc.

In reply to by karelmollen

These corruption bugs did exist in 1.3

You were fortunate not to have experienced one before this - I have had corrupted scores several times in 1.3. There were several known causes, most of them connected with copy and paste.

My guess is that the corruption actually happened in 1.3, but did not make its presence felt until the score was opened in MuseScore 2.

In reply to by karelmollen

Portions of 2.0 were rewritten in some pretty fundamental ways that could easily cause new corruption bugs to have crept in - changes in handling of copy / paste, of time signature change, of tuplet creation, plus the new linked staves/parts facility permeates a lot of the code, etc. For the most part, the known bugs that caused corruption in 1.3 have all been fixed (there are one or two still lingering), and we've tested as well as we to make sure new ones haven't been introduced. So on the surface, I would agree that it's likely the corruption actually happened in 1.3 but maybe wasn't noticed until later.

But it's certainly possible some new bugs have slipped through the cracks, or one or the few pre-existing 1.3 bugs that have *not* yet been fixed decided to bite you only now.

Here are the corruption-causing bugs I know about still present in the latest 2.0 code:

#6369: Pasting repeat bar over barline corrupts measures
#7713: Reducing actual duration corrupts tuplets
#30411: Corruption when copying a shortened 2 note tremolo
#33381: corruption when saving score containing a system beginning with a start repeat on an mmrest

The following that was present in the beta is already fixed:

#30966: Part has corruption after exchanging voices in full score

If you think any of these might be the cause of your issue, then rest assured it is a known issue and we'd be making every effort to fix it. If none of this sounds like you, then it would be wonderful if you could figure out how it happened and post steps to reproduce the problem!

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