Reducing actual duration corrupts tuplets

• Oct 30, 2010 - 07:22
S2 - Critical

Steps to reproduce bug
1. Create new score in 4/4 time
2. Select rest of first measure
3. Notes > Tuplets > Triplets
4. Right-click on an empty part of the first measure and choose "Measure Properties..."
5. Change Actual duration to 2/4

Expected behavior: In the trunk version the triplet should remain intact by splitting in half and tieing to the next measure (see "Capture.PNG" attached). In the 0.9.6.x series I suppose it should keep the notes of the first two beats only and not tie to the next measure.

Actual behavior: Measure count no longer adds up correctly, and the tuplet bracket doesn't properly span the full measure.

MuseScore version: stable and r.3646 nightly trunk

(Operating System: Windows 7)

Attachment Size
Capture.PNG 135.67 KB


Is this still valid?
Trying to change the measure properties as suggested fails, and the dialogue presented doesn't match the help file either. I can't change the nominal measure duration because it is disabled.

Changing the time signature by going to the time signature properties doesn't change any of the note display at all, which means that the score is now incorrect.

Is this now the bug?

Status (old) active patch (ready to commit)

This fixes the crash, though I'm not convinced it is ultimately sufficient.