Quick way to insert double bar lines and horizontal frames to a lot of bars?

• Oct 13, 2022 - 17:25

I wanted to add a double bar line at end of every system and add a horizontal frame at beginning of every system. Is there a quicker way than adding one by one?

Thanks in advance guys.



Does it have to be a frame? You can change the border in the page settings: increase odd and even page margins.
Unfortunately, I have no idea for the double bar line.

I am guessing this is for a educational worksheet or something similar?

No way to do that automatically (unless maybe someone were to create a plugin for it), but you can simplify the process somewhat by defining keyboard shortcuts (in Edit / Preferences / Shortcuts) for "apply current palette element" and "insert horizontal frame". Then it's just a matter of clicking the last bar of the system, applying the barline from the palette, then repeating the following sequence over and over:

  1. click first bar of next system
  2. press shortcut for insert horizontal frame
  3. click last bar of system
  4. press shortcut for apply current palette element

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