Scrolling behavior in Musescore

• Oct 15, 2022 - 13:09

I use many programs with a timeline similar to musescore (eg. reaper, premiere pro, etc). I'm very much used to the following scroll wheel behavior:
Scroll wheel: scroll horizontally
Alt+scroll wheel: zoom in/out
Ctrl+scroll wheel: scroll vertically

Currently the default settings for musescore are:
Scroll wheel: do nothing
Alt+scroll wheel: scroll horizontally
Shift+scroll wheel: scroll horizontally
Ctrl+scroll wheel: zoom in/out

How do i change this?


You are referring to scrolling the timeline specifically? I don't think the behaviors are customizable. But everywhere else in MuseScore - and indeed, everywhere else in all programs I know of - scroll wheel by itself is scroll vertically, with shift is scroll horizontally. This is true for the timeline just as it is for the score itself. It's possible your mouse/touch driver has settings to reverse this if you prefer plain scroll to be horizontal.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I was afraid that this wasn't customisable. I mean scrolling through the score, would love to scroll horizontally instead of vertically, especially in continuous view.
Good idea to try the mouse driver, unfortunately mine doesn't support it. Would love a feature where you can customise scrolling shortcuts.

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