Reformat to rid scores of 4.8pt text size

• Oct 16, 2022 - 06:09

I have no idea how 5 scores (a suite called "Pictures of a North Idaho Family") got uploaded to MS repository with such horrible formatting. "Bonner Family" is the example. I don't know how so many text elements got set to 4.8pt.

After considerable reformatting, "Being Married" seems visually better. I had to reset many text items to their DEFAULT, to get rid of the 4.8pt problem.

Is this a known issue? I don't even know how this happened. I would have never uploaded these scores with such a poor appearance. I really hope my many other scores in the MS repository don't exhibit this prob.

Any advice? Thank you.


Sorry, I am not sure, if I understood a problem.

Your score has changed after uploading to (uploaded version looks different, than local)?

In reply to by sammik

@sammik: I'm going through all my MS repository files (on my computer), to export PDF & MP3. File after file, scores LOOK fine. Then, with the 5 "Pictures of a North Idaho Family" suite, I'm appalled at how those scores looked. I visit the MS repository items, they ALSO look horrible. I ask myself, "HOW could I upload 5 larger scores that are barely viewable?"

Maybe this is my fault, for not being more attentive.

So I went about reformatting 2 scores. That's when I find many text elements are not the default PT size, but 4.8pt... Having many text elements NOT at their default value hasn't seemed to me, something I actually did. So I asked here on the forum.

I agree with you that it would be absurd for a score to change after uploading. I have 5 files to fix, ultimately that's OK. I brought up the 4.8pt thing to ask if it is a known issue. Or if there's something a user might do inadvertently, to send so many text elements out of their default.

In reply to by Are Jayem

The score scaling (in Format >Page Settings) is set at 0.8 which is very small. Maybe it started off too big for the page but the scaling was reduced a bit too far? To avoid dynamics etc. shrinking when the whole score is scaled down, untick the "Follow stave size" setting in Inspector. To restore shrunk dynamics, untick the box for one and click on the S button to set it as a global style.

In reply to by underquark

@underquark: Right on the 0.8 - I'll bring that up to 1.6 or so. That looks good during the reformat process.

Yep, I see the "Follow staff size" when inspecting ONE dynamic mark... Looks like I can right-click on that dynamic mark and "select all similar" so the change via Inspector happens to all?

And I'll try the "S button" thing next. Thanks much.

In reply to by Are Jayem

Well, if local files looks +- identicaly bad as uploaded, it had to be You yourself :)

I recommend using predefined Styles (Title, subtitle), but If You want to set it Yourself, than I think far better is to resize text in inspector (right panel), rather than double click and changing it in that left bottom panel (I dont know its name), where You can add special chars and superscript.

Also centering - you dont need to do it by hand altering x offset, in inspector - text properties there You cen set align lef / center / right.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

@Jojo: What's on the MS repository has yet to be replaced by my locally reformatted scores...

Yes, all 5 scores came from XML (or MXL, I can't recall). I must have been doing drugs to not see the visual problem BEFORE I uploaded to MS.

All you responders have helped me alot to learn more of the internals of MS. I appreciate that.

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