Musescore 3 to Musescore 4

• Oct 26, 2022 - 23:50

Dear all,
When I open a score created in MS3 in MS 4 all the lines ,texts, fingering etc. are out of place.
Is there a way to avoid that? What action can be taken?
Many thanks.


The first question would be whether those items are all in their default positions in MS3 or not. Consider sharing an example MS3 score.

Generally, the layout improvements in MuseScore 4 are more about subtle shifting the spacing of note,s not anything that would affect the position of text or lines. Are you sure the score in question was created in MuseScore 3 and not MuseScore 2? Certainly there were major changes to layout going from 2 to 3 - especially, automatic placement for collision avoidance.

ANyhow, if you continue to have problems, then as mentioned, please attach your score so we can understand and assist better.

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