lost score

• Oct 27, 2022 - 22:12

HI, I saved my score last night, and when I went to open it this morning- it had saved a blank page. As I was working on it through the day, I kept saving my work. When I went to save it last night, when I switched off the program and computer, it said that I already had a score with that name and did I want to replace it. As I was continually working on the same score I thought that it would just replace my past work with my changes, but it seems to have completely wiped the score. I don't' understand why this happened and I'm wondering if I can get my near completed score back?


Most likely you simply aren't opening the copy of the file you saved. If you saved it last night, then it is probably still there in exactly the folder you saved it to - you probably simply went to the wrong folder when opening it, or tried relying on the on the "recent files" list rather than explicitly loading the score form the folde.r So, just be sure to go to the correct folder now. If you can't remember what folder it was, use your OS's search facility to locate all MSCZ files modified in the paste few days across all drives and folders (even system and hidden folders) on your computer.

If there was a crash earlier, and you elected to recover your previous session, but never explicitly saved your score again, probably all this time since you've been working on an autosave copy of the score, so see the article mentioned above for info on how to find that, if the full system search doesn't turn it up..

In reply to by ashlin@webshie…

If you actually did save it as you save, then I swear on my life the file is still there. There is no code in MuseScore to remove user files - it's just flat out impossible for that to happen. if you saved it, and you didn't actually delete it yourself and then also empty your trash/recycle bin, it is there, in precisely the folder it was saved to, 100% guaranteed. Maybe bring in someone with more computer expertise to help you find what you've missed.

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