Octavo notes

• Oct 27, 2022 - 23:56

Is there a way to write octavo notes in MuseScore? Or do I change it to a regular note with a transcriber's note of why it was changed? Thanks in advance, Wizards! <3

Got it! Octavo under in Lines. Hadn't seen it printed quite this way before. Thanks for listening! <3

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2022-10-27.png 798 KB


I had to take advice when transcribing an original manuscript.

The advice I got was that 8 on its own can mean "add the note an octave below". In this context it is used as a shorthand way to avoid writing out each octave in full.
As written
Ottava symbol adds note an octave below.jpg
As transcribed
Octaves written out in full.jpg

But I am not sure it's also the case with your 8 examples on the upper stave.

In reply to by DanielR

Wow, DanielR! What a great thing to learn! Thanks!

Adding the octavo notes makes perfect sense in your examples. Since my piece doesn't have other notes to compare it to, I think I'll leave them as only octavos.

This is really good to know! I'm sure I'll come across it again someplace. Wizard honors, sir! Wizard honors! <3

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