Symbole d'accords position dessus ou dessous la portée

• Nov 6, 2022 - 20:17

Bonjour, Je voudrais ajouter les symboles d'accords à ma portée, mais je souhaiterai qu'ils soit positionnés sous la portée et non au dessus, comme muse score le fait par défaut.
Est-ce possible et si oui, quelle est l'astuce ?
Merci par avance


Translation into English:
"Hello, I would like to add the chord symbols to my staff, but I would like them to be positioned under the staff and not on top, as muse score does by default.
Is this possible and if so, what is the trick?
Thanks in advance"

I think you may not be able to adjust the above/below setting. The logical place to look for this is:
Format → Style → Text Styles → Chord Symbol
but there is no option there to set Above/Below

In reply to by DanielR

You can do this, actually. Just flip one chord symbol below by pressing "X", then press the "S" button ("set as style") next to the Placement field in the Inspector.

Placement is an "element" property, not a "text" property, and that is why you don't see it under Text Styles. If they were going to be in the Style dialog, they'd be under the main Chord Symbols section, but that dialog was crowded enough as it is.

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