Signing in on PC app

• Nov 10, 2022 - 15:22

I have created an account that I can sign into online, but it would be nice to be able to save compositions to that account via the app so that I can keep editing them on another device.


MuseScore 4 will have a "save to cloud" option. I've tried it in the beta and it works, but it's a bit awkward to me since it takes extra time to generate audio. I prefer to just use Google Drive for sharing between computers. If you have that installed (or Dropbox, or any other similar service), you can just save files normally and they automatically get synced to the cloud sand to all your other devices.

You can. It's just File->Save Online. It will ask you to sign in, then let you upload your score. {81273140-E7B2-4EEF-A08E-C261F0736F05}.png
To download it on a new device:
1. Go to
2. Go to "my scores." {0624B818-B553-4B9D-8AAA-881592394C6F}.png
3. Open the score you want.
4. Click "Download." {A269315E-BCB8-41C4-9B16-85053CEA1BF0}.png
5. Choose the MuseScore format. It should download, then you can open it. If it says you can't download a score without a Pro account, make sure you're logged in and that the score you want is yours.

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