Import from PDF -> Resulting score file is corrupted

• Dec 17, 2022 - 12:13


I've uploaded a PDF of a score on the page that opens when choosing Import from PDF and got the corresponding .mscz file, but when I try to open it in MuseScore 4.0.0 or MuseScore 3.6.2 it says the file is corrupted with the details showing a lot of

> Measure 48, staff 1 incomplete. Expected: 12/8; Found: 0/1

for Measures 48 to 590 and for all staffs. The PDF I scanned contains 47 measures followed by separate pages for the part scores. I assume these additional pages threw it off, and I can understand that, but I didn't expect it to assemble and let me download a corrupted file, but rather that it would error out before creating a file that can't be opened.

I've attached the PDF of the score for reference

Attachment Size
Sviridov_Reveille_Score_for_Youtube.pdf 635.31 KB


When I was regularly using MakeMusic's 'Finale' software, they had a built-in "watered-down" PDF -> Finale converter. It produced output that needed varying degrees of repair/modification. That converter (I don't recall its name) was also available for purchase, presumably a full-blown version. I wonder if you could search for a PDF -> MIDI converter, at least to get MIDI to import into MuseScore.

I have an upcoming PDF that I want to transcribe, then arrange. It starts with a piano reduction. I'm not going to even try to do a PDF import. Tedious as it is, my intention is to go measure by measure. In larger ensembles, such manual importing is - I completely understand - just too time-consuming or complicated.

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