Double & Halve selected Duration not working in Note input mode. V4

• Dec 24, 2022 - 03:44

In 3.6 Shortcut keys W to double a note duration and Q to halve were a fast way to quickly edit selected notes.
In v 4 here these only work by toggleing out of note input - that extra move is a bit of a flow blocker and takes some of the intuit away.
Thanks for all the good work Musescore Crew !


Ah indeed, I hadn't noticed it yet :(
I don't know if this issue has been already reported, in any case it is a major regression in my opinion ☹️

There was a deliberate change made here at the request of a number of tablature users - Q & W now work "pre-emptively" like the other duration commands or accidentals or voices etc. I think their logic was, it's a little awkward to select duration directly for tablature because the numbers by themselves enter frets, so they requested Q & W as a quick way to enter durations. I guess maybe Guitar Pro specifically has something like this? I don't think this was a good idea, and if anything, should have been done for tablature only, but anyhow, that's why the change was made.

Meanwhile, Shift+Q/W continue to work retroactively, so I'm just getting used to using that instead when I need to change duration after the fact.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi Marc

About the "W" and "Q" keys to adjust the duration of the notes as you type (MS3), this function allowed me NOT to use the "1" to "8" keys because I do NOT have a numeric pad on my computer (MacBook Air).

Without the "Q" and "W" keys I will have to use the SHIFT key all the time, i.e. have both hands on the computer keyboard, which is not easy with a guitar or accordion on my lap.

Besides, the "W" shortcut works in MS4, not the "Q" shortcut, although it is present in the "Préférences->Shortcuts" screen.

In reply to by Jean-Michel B

About Q/W bypass to avoid shift+digit:
It is not necessary when your shortcuts are well defined, at least on 3.6, you can use the digits without shift to enter note duration even on AZERTY keyboards. Musescore understands correctly éè'"... As if you had really entered 3, 4,... using shift.
Musescore 4 still struggle with that but hopefully will one day behave as well as 3.6

In reply to by Jean-Michel B

Yes, so to be clear, the way Q and W work now is specifically designed to help this case, so that Shift is no longer required. Instead of having to first enter the note with the wrong duration direction (which might overwrite existing notes, or create unnecessary ties) and then fix it later with Q or W, now you simply use Q or W to select the desired duration before entering the note.

If Q isn't working properly, that's strange, can you try resetting that shortcut? How about defining it to something else?

In reply to by frfancha

I'm not talking about AZERTY at all, I'm talking about QWERTY and other layouts, but about tablature specifically, where shift is necessary with the digits to get durations, otherwise it enters a fret.

If you're saying there is an unrelated issue with being able to enter the numbers at all on AZERTY, be sure to report that on GitHub if you haven't already.

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