recorder music

• Dec 25, 2022 - 22:23

Quick question: I am new at this. I am assuming I can just use it to write notation without midi playback, as that is all I want to do. I would like to write for recorders, in which case the feature that show notes outside the instrument's range would be very nice. If recorders are available as a choice (that would be SATB, in C and F) How do I find out what instruments are available? I have not yet downloaded the program. Thanks.


I would suggest that you download version 3.6.2. You don't have to use playback. But that is part of the point of the program. Start simple until you get the hang of it. Suppose you had never used a word processor.
You can select all four recorder voices. However, if you've never used notation software, they are a bit tricky to find.
Read the manual. Too many people just dive right in. You could do that. But save yourself some aggravation.

Y9u can If you don't care about playback, then you can write for any instrument you want, but of course, range warnings will be specific to the instruments that msueScore knows about. These are easily customizable though, so no worries if your favorite recorder isn't well-represented (people quibble about what the "right" range should be). To see the list of recorders that are pre-defined, just type "recorder" into the search box in the instrument list when creating your score. You'll see the SATB plsu a handful of others.

But, definitely, get the current version - 4.0 - not any older version one, unless you have some unusual special reason to need to stick to older version. Otherwise you'll be facing problems getting support, exchanging files with others, and not having available to you the feature you hear others talking about. Plus your music won't look as nice in older versions - 4.0 has major improvements in this area, even if you don't care about the playback.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I only suggest the older version because it works right out of the box. If the OP has never used notation software before and their computer is a little under powered, they could spend more time trying to figure out why things might not be working than actually doing that work. Personally, I'm using MS4 for everything. But there has been a cost.

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