Musesounds double bass too quiet?

• Jan 7, 2023 - 00:18

Hi all, I find the double bass of the violin family to sound too quiet on the new MuseSounds. I like the MS basic version better. Is anyone else having this problem?


Haven't tried it yet, but, without being coupled with the cellos or other bass instruments, the double bass isn't actually such a loud instrument...

Hi, with MS 3, In a big-band score, with 5 saxs, with 2 ténor saxs, I have, in the middle of the piece a solo of the first Ténoer sax . I have not the volume I want, and if I make louder the whole stave of this sax, all the rest of the score it is too loud for it ..............

I simply double the stave of this Sax, and Let empty the 2nd stave all the score , but use it in the solo, alone or in the same time that the first stave . So, this "solo pist" is indépendante, I can make loud it without disturbing the score

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